恭喜 vemma龍哥 夥伴 vemma君若、vemma俊銘、vemma梅慧、vemma怡鋅 獲得全球vemmabuilder單週推薦最多新會員前十名競賽獎金




第一名: 750美元
第二名: 500美元
第三名: 300美元
10名: 每位200美元





Cycle 1 – January 27 through February 2
First Place $750 to Donatus Hartono
with 10 Members
Second Place $500 to Steven Collins
with 7 Members
Third Place $250 to Yang Li Chih
with 6 Members
Third Place $250 to Steve Nickerson
with 6 Members
Fifth Place $200 to Lim Chui Mien
with 5 Members
Fifth Place $200 to Muk Lim Cheong
with 5 Members
Seventh Place $200 to Snazmi with 4 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Nurul Aini with 3 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Chua Kian Weng
with 3 Members ==>君若

Eighth Place $200 to Charles Leonardo
with 3 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Razali Nazir
with 3 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Adhy Permana
with 3 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Atang Rohyadi
with 3 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Suhairil Syarif
with 3 Members

Cycle 2 - February 3 through February 9
First Place $750 to Caecilia h Bun
with 8 Members
Second Place $500 to 陳幸宜 with 6 Members
Third Place $300 to Arief Avian with 4 Members
Fourth Place $200 to 彥良 郭 with 3 Members
Fourth Place $200 to Soo Chin Meng
with 3 Members ==>俊銘

Fourth Place $200 to Django Evans
with 3 Members
Fourth Place $200 to Ziyaul Fuad with 3 Members
Fourth Place $200 to Mike Immer with 3 Members
Fourth Place $200 to Anum Jalil & Amenuddin
with 3 Members
Fourth Place $200 to James with 3 Members
Fourth Place $200 to Ng Mei Huey with 3 Members ==>梅慧

Fourth Place $200 to Fariz Norman
with 3 Members
Fourth Place $200 to IGAA Oka Maharani
with 3 Members
Fourth Place $200 to RD Partners with 3 Members
Fourth Place $200 to Fazira Rakhib
with 3 Members

Cycle 3 - February 10 through February 16
First Place $750 to Steve Nickerson
with 11 Members
Second Place $500 to Steven Collins
with 10 Members
Third Place $300 to Yang Li Chih
with 7 Members
Fourth Place $200 to Nate Bianco with 4 Members
Fifth Place $170 to 凱倫 洪 with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to 玉珠 蕭 with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to Azreen Ali with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to Prabu Cipta Ninggoro
with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to Donatus Hartono
with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to Steffanoes Joenaedi
with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to Fitri Nur Cahyadi
with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to Darwin Ouderkirk, Jr.
with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to Atang Rohyadi
with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to Ee sin Yeap with 3 Members ==>怡鋅
Fifth Place $170 to Shengwen Wang
with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to Ibrahim Yahaya
with 3 Members
Fifth Place $170 to James Yap with 3 Members

Cycle 4 - February 17 through February 23
First Place $750 to Ziyaul Fuad with 5 Members
Second Place $267 to 育嘉 張 with 4 Members
Second Place $267 to Najihah Adibah Mohd Ariff
with 4 Members
Second Place $267 to Waheedah Begam
with 4 Members
Second Place $267 to RD Partners with 4 Members
Second Place $267 to Chang Shan Ying
with 4 Members
Second Place $267 to Tutik Tri Hastuti Wagino
with 4 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Kok Hoong Wong
with 3 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Chua Kian Weng
with 3 Members ==>君若

Eighth Place $200 to Moon Loh with 3 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Adhy Permana
with 3 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Sulichatun Sri Rejeki
Suparlan with 3 Members
Eighth Place $200 to Seah Tiong Wei
with 3 Members


二、當月應用Vemmabuilder系統推薦至少5個新VB正式會員的推薦人,下 一個月將可免費使用Vemmabuilder系統。

三、 每月總排名第一的頂尖推薦人將獲得額外獎金1,000美元!

恭喜 vemma龍哥 夥伴 vemma君若、vemma俊銘、vemma梅慧、vemma怡鋅 獲得全球vemmabuilder單週推薦最多新會員前十名競賽獎金,真是太棒了~




免費註冊試用 體驗系統
仔細看 e-mail 收到的信件內容,若未收到請確認垃圾信件夾

這是《富爸爸窮爸爸》作者 羅伯特.T.清崎公開在媒體推薦的在家工作系統!

喜歡 VEMMA 維瑪的自動跟進系統嗎^^? 歡迎您立即免費註冊試用喔^^! 
現在就可以立即開始讓 Vemmabuilder 系統幫你賺錢!!


全世界每一秒鐘都有人加入我們的行列,美商維瑪 VEMMA 邀請您共創互助事業!












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    創作者 JeRaysOGcoffee 的頭像


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